
You’re eligible if you’re:
You don't need any qualifications, but if you have experience in a specific sport, creative skill, or other activity, you could become an activity specialist.
Yes! If you're 18, you can apply and may be considered if you have high-demand skills or relevant experience. Availability for 18-year-olds is limited, so we recommend reaching out to our Sales Team to discuss your options.
Yes, non-students are eligible to apply! However, there are very limited roles available for non-students due to specific visa requirements. Because of this, the eligibility criteria differ from those for students.If you're not currently a student but are interested in working at camp, we highly recommend speaking with our Sales Team to learn more about your options and eligibility.
As a counsellor, you'll head to camp sometime between May 1st and June 19th. You'll spend 8-10 weeks at camp, with the option to switch to a visitor visa after camp for $100 to travel in Canada for up to 6 months.
You need to be available during the summer months. Most camps start between May 1st and June 19th, and finish 8-10 weeks after the start date.
No, you just need to be willing to work with children. Nevertheless, any experience will be useful, even if it's just a voluntary job, such as looking after younger family members.

Learn More About Job Roles at Camp.