Summer Camp

4 Reasons Why Working With Kids Will Be The Best Summer Job You'll Ever Have

Kids are honest, innocent, hilarious, and, for the most part, pure bundles of joy. With that being said, working with kids can come with its own unique series of challenges and barriers. When campers are at camp, they are out of their usual comfort zone, this means that they aren’t always sure how to cope with situations. It’s important to remember though, that with leaving comfort zones, comes growth. You’ll see your campers develop and become more independent every single day. Despite the challenging nature of working with kids, it will be one of the most rewarding, positive, and impactful jobs you’ll ever have. These moments are what make it all worth it. We’ve put together this list of reasons why working with kids will be the best summer job you'll ever have.

1. Help them find their fit in the world and overcome challenges

Kids are constantly discovering and reinventing their idea of how the world works and, most importantly, how they fit into it. It's a truly incredible thing to be a part of that process, knowing the positive impact that you're having by supporting and empowering them. At camp, kids are surrounded by new activities and challenges. By challenging them to try to embrace challenges and confront their fears, they will inevitably become more confident in themselves and tackle their fears more willingly.

Sailing boat on the lake at summer camp with a camp counsellor pointing and a group of campers on it.

2. The positive impact

You potentially will never realise how much of a positive impact you have had on a child’s life through small actions and interactions. Children pick up on more than you think; you might say something in passing, and the next minute they’re repeating it to their friends. With that in mind, if you can be a positive role model and encourage positive actions, they’ll in turn replicate it for themselves.

This life-changing and positive impact goes both ways. As much as our campers can learn from us as camp staff, we can also learn from them. By listening and understanding them, we can grow as individuals. It gives us the opportunity to be the role model you wanted when you were younger; the type of person who makes you laugh, feel special, but also inspires you to be the best person you can be.

Where will this summer take you?

A girl in a purple hoodie surrounded by campers at summer camp.

3. There’s never a dull moment

Children are the definition of pure innocence and bundles of joy. Their laughter, optimism, and excitement for life becomes incredibly contagious and rubs off on us. When you’re at camp, your campers will constantly keep you on your toes and you’ll never know what to expect. Each day will be different from the next, and that is thanks to your campers.

a Female counsellor showing a camper how to hold the archery bow at summer camp

4. They find a new home at camp

There’s always that moment at the end of camp when you realise just how much of an impact you’ve made on a camper. You’ll realise that your campers have found a second home at camp and that’s because of you. And nothing beats that feeling of pride.

And there you have it. Those are 4 reasons why working with kids is the best thing you’ll do this summer. Although we could probably list hundreds of reasons! But summer camp offers more than just meaningful connections with kids. The experience shapes you into a stronger professional and equips you with transferrable skills that employers value. From leading group activities to managing conflicts and thinking on your feet, every day at camp builds abilities you'll use throughout your career!

Has this blog peaked your interest in working with kids? If so, check out the different types of positions available at camp. Whether you see yourself teaching your favourite activity, lifeguarding, trying a bit of everything or something behind the scenes - there’s a role for everyone at summer camp.

Ready to apply? Start your application 'here'.

Where will this summer take you?